Kiwi Slang Decoded: Unraveling the Quirky Language of New Zealand

Hey there, fellow language enthusiasts and culture explorers! Today, we’re diving into the world of Kiwi slang, where “chilly bin” is something that keeps your stuff chilly, and “jandals” are more than just flip-flops. If you’ve ever been curious about the unique and quirky language of New Zealand, you’re in for a treat. Sweet As, Bro! Before we get…

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Te Reo Maori and the first translator

Te Reo Maori, also known as the Maori language, is a language that is part of the Polynesian languages, being one of the official languages ​​of New Zealand. Of great historical and cultural importance, the Maori language consists of an alphabet of 15 letters, with few variations among the islands that speak the dialect. Today, in New Zealand, few…

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